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Slovak Catholic Sokol - A tradition of providing sound financial protection and benefits to our members.

Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Application

With one application you may apply for all scholarship grants for which you are eligible. Note that only one grant per applicant will be awarded.

Submission Instructions:
1. Verify that your information is complete and accurate
2. Attach your photo and essay directly to the form below
3. Submit form
4. Send official transcript/academic records to Andrea Tadlock

Please Note: All items must be received NO LATER THAN March 31, 2024. For a downloadable PDF Version of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Application, click here

The process of applying for any of the above college level scholarships is completely on-line. Applications and instructions are ONLY available on our website @ www.slovakcatholicsokol.org

Supreme Vice-President
Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee
(610) 207-0199


In addition to our college grant program, we make available 18 Catholic High School Grants in the amount of $500 each as well as 36 Catholic Grade School Grants in the amount of $250 each. Please find these scholarship applications and directives in each of the next issues of the Falcon.

Scholarship eligibility requirements:
Slovak Catholic Sokol (a total of 30, $1,000 grants may be awarded)
  • Must have completed one semester of undergraduate studies as a FULL TIME student at an accredited college, university or professional school, or be enrolled in a graduate or professional degree program.
  • Must have a minimum of $3,000 in permanent life insurance coverage with the SCS and have been a member for at least 5 years.
  • Must have at least an accumulated grade point average of 2.5 or better
  • One parent must be a Slovak Catholic Sokol member
  • Essay-"How has being a member of the Slovak Catholic Sokol influenced my life?"
Krista L. Glugosh Memorial Scholarship (1 grant in the amount of $1,000 may be awarded)
  • Same requirements as for SCS scholarship, and
  • Must be majoring in curriculum with a focus on computer graphics, design or layout
Theodore and Mary Jane Rich (one male and one female grant in the amount of $2,000 may be awarded)
  • Same requirements as for SCS scholarship, and
  • One parent must be of Slovak Ancestry
  • Must be majoring in medical curriculum
Emil Slavik (one male and one female grant in the amount of $2,000 may be awarded)
  • Same requirements as for SCS scholarship, and
  • Both parents must be members of the Slovak Catholic Sokol
  • Must be majoring in liberal arts, the sciences, pre-law, pre-medical or business curriculum.
The Doctors' Lesko Medical Memorial Scholarship (1 grant in the amount of $1,000 may be awarded)
  • Same requirements as for SCS scholarship, and
  • Majoring in Nursing or Medical curriculum
  • One parent must be of Slovak decent
Slovak Catholic Sokol Memorial Scholarship (3 grants in the amount of $1,000 may be awarded to the applicant that best exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism)
  • Same requirements as for SCS scholarship, and
  • Essay- "Describe the one volunteer experience that made the biggest personal impact on you-how/why".
The Yencha Scholarship Grant (1 grant in the amount of $1,000 may be awarded)
  • Must have a $3,000 Permanent Whole Life Plan
  • A member of the organization for at least 5 years
  • One parent must be a Slovak Catholic Sokol member
  • Majoring in the liberal arts curriculum

Please attach a 2x3 color photo of applicant in .JPEG format (*required)
(JPG or JPEG format), Max file size: 2MB
Please attach an essay of no more than 250 words as indicated in the scholarship eligibility requirements addressed above. (*required)
(PDF or MS Word format), Max file size: 2MB
For those applying for the Slovak Catholic Sokol Memorial Scholarship, a second essay is required. Please attach a second essay of no more than 250 words as indicated in the scholarship eligibility requirements addressed above.
(PDF or MS Word format), Max file size: 2MB
Official Transcript/Academic Record Must be sent to:
Andrea Tadlock
100 Fletcher Farm Road
Vermontville, NY 12989

Personal Statement
Upon signature of applicant the Slovak Catholic Sokol reserves the right to request a copy of Federal Form 1040 and/or other financial data to verify information submitted with this application. Failure to provide said information upon request may be cause for disqualification.

This application is confidential and not in any sense inquisitorial. The information is essential to accelerate a fair and just consideration for the Slovak Catholic Sokol, Theodore and Mary Jane Rich, Emil Slavik, Yencha, Krista L. Glugosh and SCS Memorial Scholarship Grants. It is vitally important that all questions be answered. Any question which is "not applicable" must be fully explained.

Applicant's Name: Date of Birth:
Present Address: Group: Wreath/Assembly:
City: State: Zip:
Home Phone #:    
School or Cell Phone #:    
Applicant's Email:    

Slovak Catholic Sokol Life Insurance / Annuity Certificates
Certificate #: Face Amount: Plan: Issue Date:
Certificate #: Face Amount: Plan: Issue Date:

Applicant Parent(s) Slovak Catholic Sokol Life Insurance / Annuity Certificate(s)
Certificate #: Face Amount: Plan: Issue Date:
Certificate #: Face Amount: Plan: Issue Date:
Father's Name: Occupation: Slovak Origin
Mother's Name: Occupation: Slovak Origin

Combined Parents Gross Annual Income
Ages of all household dependents
Have you applied for a Government Student Loan? Yes
Are you employed during the school year? Yes
Are you employed during school vacation? Yes
Estimated anticipated college expense for 2023-24: Tuition/Fees/Books
Room and Board
Are you a member of any scholastic fraternity or sorority? Yes
Please list all extracurricular activities

SCS Activities
• Please indicate specific year(s) of participartion (ex. 2008, 2010)
• Mark each year you list with and "L" for local, "G" for Group, or "I" for International
Track & Field
Sokol Days
Sokol Picnics
Sokol Youth Conferences   
Join Hands Day Efforts
Did/Do you hold or assist with any Sokol office? Yes No
If Yes, please indicate office/years involved  

Other Activities
Be specific regarding years served and level of involvement.
Volunteer Efforts
If you are physically or mentally
challenged please specify

I hereby make application for one or more of the following scholarship grants- Slovak Catholic Sokol, Theodore and Mary Jane Rich, Emil Slavik, Krista L. Glugosh, and/or SCS Memorial Scholarship Grant(s) to enable me to pursue my studies majoring in:

Class of at College/University
Located at for the academic year September, 2024 to May, 2025.

Should this application be approved and granted, I fully understand that the check will be made payable to the college and applicant designated above to be applied to my tuition and fee costs.

Enter name of Applicant:

Please Note: Verify all fields are complete and accurate. All items must be received NO LATER THAN March 31, 2024

Any questions regarding this Scholarship Application Page Please Call: Lou Smeriglio @ 973-800-6122 or email at: Louie@slovakcatholicsokol.org

Click Here for a downloadable PDF Version of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Application